ivano morrone
2024 The Illusory Nature od the Present - an interactive sound and visual installation for watercolors on Japanese paper mounted on frames and video monitor, music and electronic sounds, webcam and computer - a study for the Henki Art call, San Diego, USA
2022 Pètuddha, study for a sound installation on tissue paper, pigments, transducers and microcontroller unit- AMACI, Bergamo, 18ma Giornata del Contemporaneo
2021 Pètuddha, electronic music piece
2019 black hole
2018 black hole
2017 re-composition of digital tape samples for KLAVIERSTÜCK XVII by K. Stockhausen and its performance, Musica elettronica nel chiostro VIII, Cosenza
2016 broadcast of works chosen by Yahusha Bendavid - Listening - Giornata del Contemporaneo AMACI, Bergamo
2016 INCG, for piano and digital tape, Chigiana Radioarte, Siena
2016 Vjersh, for beating guitar anf digital tape, Chigiana Radioarte, Siena
2016 Foni, digital tape, Chigiana Radioarte, Siena
2016 Rimandi, for four laptops and sound modulation system in real time, Chigiana Radioarte, Siena
2016 Apprendistato del torturatore diligente, per percussionista-performer, due timpani, dispositivi elettroacustici, luci stroboscopiche e videoproiezioni, Musica elettronica nel chiostro VII, Cosenza
2015 Dei sensi, divertimento per voce recitante, tre chitarre ed elettroacustica dal vivo,Guardia Piemontese old town centre, Cosenza
2013 Rimandi, for four laptops and sound modulation system in real time, Phonos, Barcellona
2013 Steles - sound-visual installation - Minia Art in Progress - Galleria S. Chiara, Cosenza
2012 Erramio - racconto per voce recitante, risonanze del corpo, ologrammi, nastro digitale e live electronics - Casa della Musica, Cosemza
2011 visual live electronics on music by Partrizio Marrone and Kamran Khacheh, Pizzo Calabro
2011 sound and visual installation on music by Partrizio Marrone and Kamran Khacheh, Filadelfia
2010 Seirenes, melologo for actress, instruments and visual live electronics, archeological area of The National Library, Cosenza
2010 Rimandi, for four laptops and sound modulation system in real time, SMC07, Barcellona
2010 Rimandi, for four laptops and sound modulation system in real time - La terra fertile 2010, Sassari
2009 Cartoline Ferramonti, sound and visual Installation, Emufest09 - The Conservatoire of Music of Rome, Rome.
2009 Maria, sound and visual installation, Convento di S. Sebastiano, Fagnano C.
2009 Cartoline Ferramonti, electroacoustic and visual performance for violin, clarinet, basson, guitar, slides and audio /visual live electronics, Piccolo Teatro - The University of the Studies of Calabria, Rende.
2008 Trame - sound and visual Installation, Artech 2008 - Portuguese Catholic University, Porto.
2008 Trame - sound and visual Installation - The Conservatory of Music of Cosenza.
2007 RingMozart - sound installation, The Royal Palace, Caserta.
2006 Mozart Elettronico - Piano Installation, The National Library, Cosenza.
2006 Foni - electronic music piece, IMEB, Bourges, and selected to be included in a collection of The National Library of France.
2006 Millebolle, electronic music piece, "Oeuvre Ouverte" 2006 - IMEB, Bourges
2005 Vjersh - for beating guitar anf digital tape - Sound and Music Compunting 05, The University of the Studies of Salerno.
2004 Foni - electronic piece, "Oeuvre Ouverte" 2004 - IMEB, Bourges.
2004 Vjersh - for beating guitar anf digital tape - "Primavera en La Habana" Festival, La Habana
2004 Vjersh - for beating guitar anf digital tape - "Musiche inaudite", Salerno
2003 INCG - for piano and digital tape, The Scarlatti Hall, Naples.
2003 INCG - for piano and digital tape - 'Quartieri Spagnoli' Theatre, Naples.
2001 Giacomino e l'asino dagli occhi turchini - musical fairy-tale for amplified
ensemble (violin, cello, flute, clarinet, piano, guitar) voice and slides, Fringe Festival, Edinburgh.
2000 VersoSud- electronic music for a video by Antonio Trimani produced for the
European Union cultural project - Zerynthia, Rome.
Before 2000
under construction
Listening Again to Gesang der Jünglinge
edited by Francesco Galante and Ivano Morrone, Cosenza (2021)
Sound and Visual Art footprints: praxis and work by Max Neuhaus - building a sound park, Erasmus Intensive Programme, Cosenza (2012)
Open Air Lab - Building a sound park (area 55 del Tirreno cosentino), Erasmus Intensive Programme, Cosenza (2012)
Musica per ensemble di computer, Napoli (2011)
Dall'epitaltismo al décollage. Note sull'opera di Mimmo Rotella, Le arti del suono n.3, Cosenza (2010)
Su Max Neuhaus, Le arti del suono n.2, Cosenza (2010)
The Ringer software audio e video in tempo reale, poster selected at XVIII CIM 2010, The University of the Studies of Torino (2010)
Brief note on Rimandi - SMC2010 Proceedings, 7th Sound and Music Compunting, Barcelona (2010)
Algoritmi per la gestione interattiva di immagini e suoni in Cartoline Ferramonti, Emufest Lectures (2009), Rome
Considerazioni sulla prassi esecutiva in sette brani elettroacustici con pianoforte, Musica/Realtà, Milano (2006)
Analysis proposal about the electroacoustical repertoire with instrument - selected at EMS 2006, Beijing (2006)
Note sul teatro musicale di Giuseppe Scalzo, Cosenza (1999)
Edited Scores
Giacomino e l'asino dagli occhi turchini, score with CD Cosenza (2002)
Esperimento di alta magia, Trebisacce (1989)
Played Scripts
Apprendistato del torturatore diligente, freely taken from VV. AA., 2016
Dei sensi, freely taken from De rerum natura juxta propria principia by Bernardino Telesio, 2014
Erramio, 2012
Sirene by Carlo Cipparrone, collaboration to the script, 2011
Controcanti all'Unità d'Italia, 2011
Maria de Buenos Aires by Horacio Ferrer, collaboration to the script's translation in italian language, 2009
Giacomino e l'asino dagli occhi turchini by Giuseppe Maradei, collaboration to the script's translation in english language, 2001